“Hare nor Hide” is a surrealistic tale of a young girl lost in a magical land, full of peculiar creatures, the most notable of which is a mysterious tribe of Hares. Filming has already begun and we will be posting constant photographic updates from the film. We would love to hear your comments and feedback.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Yet more Gas-masks & grime .
Freshly dirtied up & crusted with unidentifiable residue. The tube was glue-gunned on - three times, as it kept falling off! - and stained with tea, as was the fabric around the edges of the mask. The "crust" is salt, paint, Sculpy given texture with a bristly paintbrush, and varnish. There was already a weird white crust on the metal parts, so I tried to blend the real stuff with the fake as subtly as I could... hope it's nothing deadly... :\ I sanded down the rubber and burned holes with a heated skewer, in order to give a weathered, "war-zone" effect. I promised stitches, but the rubber is too thick, and I haven't got that many needles to waste...
Gas-masks & grime.
I just acquired these amazing things -"5 x Soviet russian USSR respirator gas mask half face" -direct from Yugoslavia, along with a "russian gray rubber gas mask hose tube". With a little paint, varnish, Sculpey and the appliance of stitches, used tea-bags and a glue-gun, I should have a creepy "Hare-constructed" Speaking Apparatus by the end of the day.
In the planned scene, this will be used on the Princess by the Hare Tribe. She will be dragged to a patch of waste-ground and sedated, prior to a bit of amateur surgery; having a grimy tube inserted into an incision in her throat and the Speaking Apparatus forced over her nose and mouth. This allows the mute Princess to communicate with the Hares- through song...
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Chloe Howley becomes "The Howley"
Today we filmed the "Howley" scene. We only got abused by chavs once, surprisingly, as the scene was filmed in Hanley Park. In this scene, The Howley attempts to give the Princess advice, but just confuses her with its fluttering, head-bobbing, and hooting.
Scene directed by Kyle B.
Makeup by Simon M, assisted by Jess E.
Miss Howley was assisted on set by Lizzie M.
Interviews and documentation provided by Zack W.
We are a group of budding film makers, and this will be our first major project: a feature length film entitled “Hare ‘nor Hide”.
We are creating this film off of our own backs and have no actual funding to speak of, so any donations, whether it be materials or money, would be greatly appreciated.
“Hare ‘nor Hide” is a surrealistic tale of a young girl lost in a magical land, full of peculiar creatures, the most notable of which is a mysterious tribe of Hares.
Filming has already begun and we will be posting constant photographic updates from the film. We would love to hear your comments and feedback.
We are also looking for any budding actors or actresses who would not mind working for nothing more than the opportunity to be part of something great.
We can however provide actors with sweets and the odd cup of tea, so if you are interested, please get in contact.
Artists... Dreamweavers...
Kyle; World-weary film maker and Decemberists super-fan.
Simon; Pixie, Artist and Moomins enthusiast.
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